Episode 13 – RSJ Radio For March 15, 2018
This episode of RSJ Radio was produced by undergraduate students from the Ryerson School of Journalism as part of their undergraduate coursework.
Balancing school work with your social life and hobbies is always difficult. But what happens when you throw competitive gaming into the mix?
When the pressure from school becomes too much to handle, eSport athletes are unable to play at their best. This is exactly what happened to the Ryerson League of Legends Esports Team during their 2017-2018 competitive season. The team made it to playoffs with five wins and one loss but were knocked out in their first playoff match against the University of Waterloo.
Ryerson League of Legends Esports Team members describe the challenges they faced during their season, such as giving up hobbies, scheduling practices around school, and allocating their time effectively:
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Tagged as: gaming, games, esports, athletes, rams, sports, balance, school, league of legends, Toronto, ryerson, Radio, JRN306, Student, feature.
This episode of RSJ Radio was produced by undergraduate students from the Ryerson School of Journalism as part of their undergraduate coursework.
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